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Knit Alongs and other Knitting Goodness...

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Lookie, lookie! Cross stitch and knit stuff! Can ya believe it?!


There is a fabulous (well at least I think it's fab) cross stitch representation of a naughty, naughty word, in this post. You may want to shield the eyes of everyone that can't take it. For everyone else... fuck it.

You have been warned!

(I sound so deep don't I?)

While I was at GenCon Indy this past week, I broke out the needles. Well, on the plane anyway. I was playing and running way too many games to do much else. :)

Here's how far I got on a sock I started some time ago before my wrist started bothering me:

I love this pattern in the yarn. It's so funky! I'm using the leftovers from my knee length socks to make myself some ankle socks in the same pattern.

I also finished some offensive cross stitch. Here it is... the F-bomb!:

Here's a close up of the 'u':

I just love the way it came out. Now all I have to do is let it dry, iron it, then mount it and frame it.

Well I'm off to bed since it's late as all hell and I'm not quite done editing all the pics I took at GenCon. See you all later!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I was blocked?!

I've been out of town at GenCon Indy and when I got back home the other day, I had about four messages from my faithful readers saying that my blog had been blocked because of a counter I used to use. *tilts head to the side like a stumped puppy* I swore up and down that I had removed that counter. *shakes head*

Oh well. It's gone now and thanks to everyone for letting me know. I had no idea!

Well right now, I'm not going to post anything as I'm trying to finish some actual play posts for some of the games I ran at GenCon Indy 06. I'll get to the knitting and cross stitching tomorrow. Promise! :)